
Seasons of War Episode 8-Cortex

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Episode 8: Cortex

8th of Verimensis

Yumi walked around the camp, her unnaturally sharp eyes turned up to look into the mostly cloudy sky above. A steady, cold breeze chilled the night air though Yumi did not shiver even though she knew she should. Instead she brought her gaze back down to earth and examined her pale hands as she made her way around the camp. A creature of the night, she had agreed that it was pointless to have any of the others stay up to keep watch when she needed no sleep and was immune to the biting cold. She agreed with the logic but it felt wrong all the same. A shared burden pressed on her because of her misfortune. Or perhaps the constant reminder of no longer being human was the reason watch duty sat so heavily. She longed to sleep properly, and sighed bitterly as she glanced around the collection of tents and thought of the warm, fresh blood filled- Quashing the thought she turned back towards the fire.

As she walked she focused on her enhanced senses. Even at a distance, the pop and crackle of the campfire was clear and distinct. So was Odd's snoring and Ulrich's steady breathing. A rustle of clothing and covers came from Laura's tent and Yumi wondered how the girl managed to rest given how much she seemed to toss and turn. From Aelita's tent there was silence and from Jeremie's the sound of gentle kisses. She had considered stopping Aelita when the younger elf snuck out, but she chose not to. The two teens were old enough and she wouldn't really want to be on the receiving end if she were to ever go sneaking to the enviable warmth of another. Her eyes drifted to Ulrich's tent and stayed there, helping tune out the sound of Jeremie and Aelita.


Aelita took in a quick breath then felt Jeremie press his lips to hers once more, hugging her just a little bit tighter as she deepened the kiss. When they separated with another audible pop she continued backwards, catching the look of disappointment on Jeremie's face and giving him a sly smile in return. Slowly she released the hold she had on his neck, her arms sliding gently across his shoulders until only her hands rested loosely on them. The confused and almost hurt look begged for attention and she whispered "watch." Jeremie did, taking his hands off of her waist he watched as she slipped out of her heavy nightshirt with slow grace that shouldn't have been possible in the relatively confined space of his tent.

She shivered, her breast cloth not providing all that much protection from the somewhat chilly air, and relaxed, her fear and nervousness subsiding as she took in Jeremie's expression. So much desire, so much want in his eyes yet it was tempered into something entirely different than what she had seen in so many nameless faces. His desire was mixed with awe and wonder and embarrassment and his very own fear. Smiling nervously she reached behind herself, fingers brushing the scars as they went for the tie that would reveal the fullness of her chest.

Jeremie took in the sight on his girlfriend, seeing her semi-nude form in new light despite the darkness. Seeing her smooth, unblemished stomach, the gentle rise of the remaining garment, the slope of her arms as she reached backwards, the damaged skin that started on the back of her shoulder blades and the look of apprehension as she paused. He met her eyes in that moment, reaching out and gently guiding her to turn around. She did so only haltingly and looked back questioningly when he pulled lightly, getting her to sit down with her back facing him. He let his fingers skim over the ugly ridges of mottled scar tissue that marred the surface of her back, tracing down one scar and back up the other as tears began to cascade down his cheeks.

"Jeremie, what are you do…" Her harsh whisper trailed off in the middle of the last word when she heard a sniffle behind her. Cautiously she turned her head to look over her shoulder to see his lips quivering and possibly tracks of wetness down his face. He continued to trace lightly over the scars and her first angry thoughts faded as a new idea took hold. "Jeremie?" She whispered more gently. "Jeremie, what do you see?"

His answer came back ragged from the effort it was taking him not to sob. "Pain. Sorrow. Fear. Guilt."

She leaned back against him. "You can't change my past."

"I… I know. But how many others have to… To learn to count pain? To know nothing but cruelty? To live what… What you…"

"Shhh, Jeremie. Shhh." Aelita shushed gently. She picked up his hands and wrapped his arms around her stomach. "You can't help everyone and you can't fix the world." When he didn't respond she reached around behind herself and gently guided Jeremie's quivering chin to rest on her shoulder. She leaned her head against his. "Why did you kiss the scars on my shoulder that one night?" She asked quietly.

He swallowed hard and took a moment longer to compose himself. "I think… I wanted you know that I don't find them as repulsive as you may think?"

"No." Aelita replied kindly.

"No?" he replied defensively.

"No." She responded more firmly. "Maybe." She then conceded. "You know my past, what I've told everyone. Will you promise me that this stays here, between us?"

"Of course."

Aelita closed her eyes and placed her hands over Jeremie's, feeling him tighten his grip on her in response. "I've had to dance in outfits more revealing than this. I've been leered at, grabbed at, examined..." She shuddered as she said the word and quickly added "I probably know more disgusting names for parts of my body than Odd does," with forced humor. With a shake of her head she continued "No one who thinks they can have me finds my scars so disgusting."

"You find them to be hideous." Jeremie interjected, "perhaps not physically but emotionally."

"And so do you. You see everything negative they represent and you feel guilty, responsible." She went on in the same low, kind tone of voice she started with. "When you kissed my shoulder I was amazed at how that felt. I couldn't believe you'd willingly kiss something so disgusting, so associated with bad memories and I cherished what I thought that meant." Her gaze dropped to where Jeremie's hands rested against her bare abdomen securely cocooned in her own. "You can touch me all you want, anywhere you want. I've never been comfortable like this with anyone and I really do like it. But I beg you not to do so because you feel guilty about what I've been through or about what those like me have or are going though. I can't be a touchstone for that guilt, neither of us can bear all the world's sins, and you can't wish away that which helped make me the person I am and bring me to you."


Ulrich's breathing changed, which happened to be the first sign of something more. Then there was the rustling of fabric, more pronounced than the noise Laura made when she moved in her sleep. The sound of the flap opening though is what startled Yumi into action. For a moment she feared that perhaps she'd let her guard down too much so she bolted up and rushed towards his tent. She stopped herself just in time to avoid an embarrassing situation as Ulrich came out, dressed in heavy fabric and partially into his coat. Still she startled him and he turned quickly, but a little slowly to her enhanced perception, towards her, his hand already reaching down to a weapon that wasn't actually there. "Yumi!" He whispered harshly.

"Yeah, just um… patrolling." She answered sheepishly with a weird grin, "usual night shift stuff."

"All quiet?" Ulrich asked, feeling stupid the moment the words were out of his mouth.

"Of course."

The silence stretched awkwardly and Ulrich finally cleared his throat, "If you don't mind I need…"

"Oh, right" She recovered when he nodded in the direction of the designated tree. "Sorry." She turned back towards the fire and walked, hiding her embarrassment. One thing about being undead, she couldn't blush. She turned her attention to Jeremie's tent and quickly turned back towards Odd's since the couple was still engaged in making out.

Ulrich returned from the tree and then headed towards the fire, sitting down heavily near but not right beside Yumi and sticking his hands out to warm them. He glanced to his side and wondered what about Odd's tent she found so interesting. But then again, Odd was a werewolf and hated Vampires so he guessed she was worried. Although it didn't make much sense seeing as they knew Odd was in control of his powers and it wasn't a full moon either. He returned his gaze to the fire. "Everything alright?"

She returned her attention to the jumping orange and yellow flames. Her eyes resolved the blue edges along the wood and the little bits of ash circulating in the hot air around them. She could see the wood blister and pop as it burned, the sight as mesmerizing as it was potentially dangerous. Forcing a smile to her lips she answered "Yeah, I'm fine," absently. She turned her attention to Aelita's tent.

"So nothing to do with Odd being a werewolf?" He followed her gaze to Aelita's tent. "Or… Concerned about how much of Aelita's blood you've… uh… drank… earlier?" He looked down at his feet and pulled his hands back to himself. "I can check on her if you'd like." He got up and was quickly pulled back by a cold hand.

"No." Yumi answered quickly, "she's fine."

"Are you sure?" Ulrich asked looking between Yumi and the Outcast's tent. "Because it's no big deal to go check."

"I can hear her." Yumi hissed, "I know she's fine."

"Alright." Ulrich answered with his hands raised up in a show of defeat. With that he turned towards his own tent and was half way back when he looked over his shoulder to see Yumi listening intently. Her head was canted to the side and her body was stiff suggesting that something in the direction of Jeremie's tent had startled her. He was instantly on edge and missing his blade as he started back towards Yumi, keeping his eyes on the area between Jeremie and Aelita's tents. "What is it?" he whispered?

She held up a finger to signify she wanted quiet and he complied, straining his eyes to scan the sector past the camp she appeared to be concentrating on. After a long tense few moments she relaxed and gestured for him to sit down. He did, asking what she heard and getting an unsatisfactory "nothing threatening" for an answer.

"You don't go to alert for nothing." He answered hotly but still whispering. "And…" He continued in a less heated voice "you seemed awfully fast to keep me away from Aelita's tent. What's going on?"

"Nothing, everything's fine."


"You saw her after I fed, she was perfectly fine."

Now the real worry showed in his voice "Yumi?"

"Ulrich." Yumi said seriously, "Promise me no big brother crap."

"She's with Jeremie, isn't she?" Now Ulrich had no idea what to think or feel. "You were listening to them what, exactly?" He demanded, the mix of emotions coloring his voice.

"They were kissing and now they're talking."

"About?" he growled.

If she still drew breath she would have sighed deeply. Instead she reached out and grabbed Ulrich by his sleeved arm. "Her emotional scars and how they can deal with them."

"Oh." He shrank back and when Yumi released her vice like grip on his arm he sat down heavily. "That's all. I…"

"Yeah." Yumi answered.

Another long silence followed, growing more and more difficult to endure between them. Finally Ulrich broke it with a yawn. "I guess I'll head back to bed. Good night, Yumi; stay warm."

That snapped her back out of doing anything but thinking about the silence. "Ulrich… You know I can't." She admitted sadly.

He turned and walked up to her. "We'll find a way to cure you."

"What if we can't?"

Not normally ones to embrace touch, Ulrich gathered his courage and reached out to take Yumi's hand. She pulled back, earning a rare hurt look from the Mercenary. Hesitantly she offered her hand and he took it and rubbed it between his own, suppressing the shudder coming from holding the cold, not quite right flesh. "If we can't… Maybe Aelita or Laura can come up with some means of keeping you warm." He forced himself to smile and continued to rub her hand. "Or maybe we can just go somewhere where there isn't winter."

She smiled back, and although it was forced, it was more than she'd offered since being turned.


Cortex was the largest city in Replika, and unlike cities in Lyoko, it wasn't very inviting. Its walls were very tall and made of dark stone, and if someone looked at the walls from the corner of their eye, they almost looked like they were moving. In the center of the city was a large dome, almost like one of the coliseums, but it was closed off and it looked far from entertaining. The walls also appeared to be smooth; there were no arches that created space for statues of the gods.

The Heroes were outside of the city now, remaining in the brush as Laura prepared her illusions. She changed her hair color to a light brown and her eyes to a dull blue. She changed some of her facial features as well, hoping that she looked enough like Ulrich that if she needed to, she could pass as his sister or cousin. She braided her hair and pulled it up, which further distanced her from her true appearance.

Yumi, who had volunteered to go ahead and collect information from the nearby bulletin board, sprinted back towards her friends, carrying a piece of weather-worn parchment in her hand. She gave it to Jeremie, and despite it obviously being damaged, the information seemed to be intact. Painted on the parchment was a picture of Aelita, with her full name and known aliases printed bellow. "Aelita's a wanted woman in Cortex. They must still be looking for her." Yumi said. She didn't even seem tired.

Jeremie glared at Laura. "I thought you said that your father pardoned Aelita, or at least refused to allow guards to search for her?"

"He did. I suppose the people of Replika want to see…" She almost said 'justice' but Jeremie had been on edge about Aelita's past for the past few days. She quickly reconsidered her statement, and instead said, "…to have revenge. Finson wanted to see Replika free from Lyoko's control. I think he just wanted to live under Replika's tax laws."

Odd laughed. "You know what they say about taxes!"

Aelita sighed. "Does this mean I have to go in disguise too?" She asked. She shook her head and dug around in her, Jeremie and Odd's bags, pulling out a wig, bandages and spare clothes. She took the army green hat that Ulrich had bought in the last town over from his head and placed it on her pile of clothes. She disappeared into the aravel and didn't reappear for almost half an hour.

In that short time, Aelita had gone from the bubbly young woman they knew to a rather lanky-looking young man. The wig, which was slightly shorter than shoulder-length and red, disguised her cheekbones and gave her a more masculine appearance, and she'd used Yumi's face paint to cover her facial vallaslin. The bandages that had once covered her legs for modesty were not visible, and they simply assumed she'd used them to bind her breasts. She awkwardly fixed the hat on her head. Perhaps it was because they knew it was her, but none of the Heroes seemed to identify her as a boy—she looked like a strange cross of male and female. "I think it would be safest if you didn't refer to me at all, but if you must, call me 'Tathas'."

"Have you often disguised yourself androgynously?" Laura asked snippily.

'Tathas' seemed flustered. "Sometimes, if I could get away with it. Usually I didn't have the resources, unless I stole them and that's… not something I like to do." She shifted uncomfortably, as if wearing a disguise was shameful and she was embarrassed to be doing it in front of her friends. "I used this kind of disguise to enter Capital Lyoko. I started wearing my own clothes and bore my true face after Mr. Delmas called me on it and offered me a job. I still used the name Tathas, though."

Ulrich folded his arms. "Does it mean something to you?"

Aelita smiled. "Tathas is a folk hero from before the Surface Wars. She was a slave but escaped and made it to Carthage. There she saw first-hand what injustices our people went through, even if they are 'free'. She was a skilled trickster, and she stole from every noble in the city and then some. Tathas also set up a secret slave underground, where you could go to escape or to get help if you are escaping." She fiddled with her fingers. "Many elves name their sons and daughters after her."

"Why didn't you keep the name Tathas, then?" He asked.

"Tathas is not my name." Aelita said simply.

"But you gave me your real name when I contacted you that first time." Jeremie said. He held up his hand when Laura tried to argue that it was not, in fact, her real name.

She smiled again. "I know this may sound strange, or perhaps completely insane, but I suppose I just… trusted you, right from the start, even though we had never met." Aelita looked down at her bare toes, and she pulled on the boots. Even after all of this time, she had not yet gotten used to wearing shoes. She couldn't wait until the snow melted and the spring flowers bloomed, especially the yellow mountain flowers. Those had been her favorites for many years. The Outcast looked up to find the other Heroes were looking at her strangely. "Anyway, we should get moving."

The others agreed, and they began to move into the city. The guards seemed suspicious of them, and many times they were stopped 'randomly' so their belongings could be searched. They did, however, make it to the city, though their welcome was anything but warm.

The poor gathered near the gates. They consisted of Cortex's own beggars, as well as refugees, orphans and the disabled. They pleaded for food or coin, though the Heroes had little of either to spare—without salt Odd's hunting conquests didn't keep long, and vegetables were hard to find. Their coin was spent on bribes, bread and wine, as well weapons and armor when they could afford it. The entire cesspool reeked of death, and soon they learned why. Corpses filled the alleyways, stripped of clothes, valuables and dignity. Laura visibly gagged at the sight, Aelita moved closer to Jeremie and Ulrich covered his nose and mouth. Yumi and Odd both tried to hide their shameful hunger.

"Not only is this despicable, it's dangerous," Ulrich said through clenched nostril. "With the tear in the Veil, this is a recipe for a zombie outbreak. Not to mention the diseases that might spread when the rats get to them."

"These poor people!" Aelita mourned. "This is… ghastly!"

Sadly, Jeremie ordered the group to proceed. He looked back over his shoulder, having flashbacks to his time in the vampire's dungeon, and nervously he shot a glance at Yumi. He scolded himself for lumping the two.

When they were far away from the smell, the Wise Man explained the plan. The first and most important thing was to secure safe passage to Carthage—though admittedly this would be difficult. Cortex would only send military ships to the island city. Merchants were forbidden to go to Carthage because of the sanctions, and private ships were being prepared in case Xana's attacks became worse or moved closer to Cortex.

However, the spirit bird Jeremie had sent to Patrick via the Eluvian had returned three days earlier with a letter—this in itself was impressive, and suggested Patrick had a way with spirits that allowed him to return what was typically a one-way missive. Jeremie's cousin had disclosed that he would assist if he was able, and to look for him in Cortex. Most of the Heroes were pleased to hear this and perceived it as good news. Jeremie and Aelita, on the other hand, seemed apprehensive about speaking openly with a magistrate.

To accomplish their goals, the Heroes spilt up. Originally, Jeremie had intended to find Patrick alone, but Odd argued that it wasn't safe to walk about Cortex alone in its current condition. He hid how nice he would be to see Patrick again under his breath. Together they decided that Jeremie and Odd would go meet Patrick at the tavern he'd written in his letter, and the others would go to the docks and find safe passage.


The alehouse, the Hero and Blade, was, like most places, filled with people. Many were brutes, likely mercenaries. It had a musky smell to it, and everything about the place seemed foggy. "Remind me not to drink here," Jeremie whispered to Odd.

In the back of the tavern, Odd pointed to a boy their age, and to a young elven woman who sat across from him. As they got closer, they learned that it was indeed Patrick, and the woman who sat with him was none other than Sam, the ex-werewolf. Both of them had changed—Patrick no longer wore his magistrate armor, likely due to the unpopular opinion that Replika held of the magistrates. Instead he wore leather armor, though his rapier remained at his side. Sam's hair had grown longer, but it was messy, and dark circles had collected under tired eyes. However, there was strength that both exuded, and trust in their conversation. Odd felt jealousy rise in his throat, but was he jealous of Patrick, or of Sam?

"Jeremie!" Patrick called out, and he rose to hug his cousin. Jeremie simply held up his hand, and awkwardly, Patrick backed away. "I'm so glad to see you. I was so afraid that you'd died."

"Honestly, I was afraid that you had died too." Jeremie admitted. "But that isn't why I'm here."

"You implied as much in your letter." Patrick said. He motioned to the chair next to him, and Jeremie took it. Odd took the chair next to Sam. "Now, tell me, what is it this time? Has Laura become so obsessed with proving Aelita is a blood magician that she's been possessed?"

Odd smirked and opened his mouth, which resulted only in a swift kick to the knee from Jeremie. "No, nothing like that. I'm afraid to discuss much of it here." He said. "Just know that we have a bit of a… potentially parasitic problem."

"Triple 'p'! You win the bonus round." Odd said.

Patrick looked to his cousin. "That… raises more questions than it answers."

As the cousins spoke, the former lovers conversed in hushed tones. "How long have you been travelling with Patrick?" Odd asked.

Sam thought for a while. "Since the attack on Kadic, I guess. We became friends before then, however." She said. "While the other magistrates teased me during my recovery, Patrick brought me extra food and blankets. He was good to me."

"So… are you two… an item, then?" He asked.

She laughed. "That's just like you. Assume that two people travelling together are having sex." She shook her head. "No. We made it very clear when we escaped Kadic that neither of us wanted just a physical relationship, nor did we want to ruin our friendship. I envy the woman who steals his heart, though."

"I… see. Of course." Odd muttered. "And… what about you? How are you feeling since you were cured?"

Sam sighed in relief. "Wonderfully tired. Sometimes… sometimes it feels strange to tire so quickly, but other times… other times I feel so clearheaded that I know—I just know—that I was supposed to feel this way." She took Odd's hand softly. Her hands were so cold, or was he just warm? "Listen to me, Odd. You're starting to go mad. I might've been far gone, but you have until your irises turn white to cure yourself. If you don't… you're gone forever."

Odd took his hand away. "Thanks for the advice, but I'm in control." He hissed.

Sam narrowed her eyes. "Are you really?"

Odd thought for a while. For some reason, he thought back to Talia, but it was only briefly before he thought about the boy he'd killed in the alley. "No." He admitted so quietly that it was barely audible.

Jeremie smiled. "You'll be more informed as we go along." He stood. "Anyway, we should all head for the docks. Hopefully the others have found a ship."


The others had not found a ship.

Which was not the entire truth. They had actually found many boats, but none of them were headed towards Carthage. It was frustrating, seeing so many boats and being unable to go where they needed to.

Deciding to go to the dock directory, they passed a bar called 'the Singing Scoundrel'. It was run-down and filthy but it sold cheap drinks and meals, which was likely why it hosted so many sailors. The Heroes jumped when a dwarf was thrown out of a nearby window, shouting something in his native tongue. Then the dwarf stood and started singing, and Aelita identified it as an old pirate shanty. "Pirates," Ulrich repeated, and he grabbed Yumi's arms. "Pirates!"

Laura sighed. "Please tell me that you aren't thinking what I think you're thinking." He laughed and ran inside of the bar. "Minerva's mercy, he is thinking what I think he's thinking."

The girls followed him inside, though Laura was reluctant to. Inside were sailors of every size, race and color, and to be honest, it was nearly impossible to tell who was a true mariner and who was a swashbuckler. Aelita stayed close to Yumi.

Near the bar, leaning forward, was an elf with long black hair. She wore a magenta vest over an orange shirt, with leather strappings holding valuable daggers. She wore long blue pants, a half-skirt and more leather strappings around her waist, holding various explosive containers. Her feet were covered in leather boots, and judging by their style, they came from Deutschland. She turned to look at something, and on her nose, she wore a pair of spectacles.

The elf looked at Aelita, and she narrowed her eyes. She asked the bartender to hold her drinks, and she walked over to the teenagers. She looked to be about Yumi's age. "…Aelita? Neptune's soaked ass, it is you, isn't it?"

"Aelita?" The Outcast feigned innocence, "I do not know this name. I am Tathas."

"Uh-huh. You must think I just rolled off a cart full of stupid, don't you." She said. The elf folded her arms. "Come on! Don't pretend like you don't know me. I'll give you a hint. It starts with 'a' and ends in 'rak-Muna'."

Aelita's eyes widened. "…Emily?" She asked.

Laura sighed. "What's the point of a disguise if you aren't going to follow through?"

Emily smiled, and the two elves embraced. "You really should be in black or pink. Or floral. They flatter you." She advised the Outcast on fashion.

Aelita laughed. "I'll remember that the next time I go dress shopping."

"Anyway, are you going to introduce me to…" She caught sight of Ulrich, and she smiled. "… your friends?" Aelita introduced them, and Emily curtsied, though the action was wobbly and almost drunken. "My name is Emily 'the Duchess' LeDuc. I'm the captain of the ship not too far from here, 'Skidbladnir'."

Ulrich and Yumi grinned. "Maybe you can help us, then." Yumi said. "We need a ship to take us to Carthage."

"Carthage? What a journey." Emily said. She looked at Aelita. "The People will not miss you?" When she looked down at her toes, Emily had all the information she needed from that question. "I might be able to get you there."

Laura groaned. "Here it comes… here it comes…"

The captain thought. "But… you seem like the kind of people who could hoist the mainsail…"

Ulrich chuckled. "When you talk about 'hoisting the mainsail,' what are you really saying?" He asked.

"What else? It requires strength, knowledge of rigging and a small measure of sobriety." Emily laughed.

"I know my way around rigging just fine, and I'm good with my hands." The Mercenary said, earning him an elbow jab from Yumi. He didn't seem to understand what he'd done wrong.

Emily laughed again. "Oh, my." She shook her head, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Anyway, I could use you to help me with a little problem of mine. I was hired to… ship some cargo to a buyer on an island a few hundred leagues out to sea, but someone from my past has been pestering me. I've arranged for a duel, but I don't trust him to play fair, and I can't leave the city until he's taken care of."

Laura hit her head with her palm. "I knew it! There's always a catch!"

"Life is a catch. I suggest you catch it while you can." Emily said. "Anyway, if I win, I can leave with the goods. If I lose… well, that's where you come in."

Aelita seemed eager to agree, but the others hesitated. Yumi offered only, "We should talk to Jeremie before we agree to anything."

Emily nodded. "I can understand that. Talk to whoever is in charge of you, and if you decide to help, meet me at Jaufre's Warehouse tonight at ten after nine, which in case you didn't know, is forty minutes after curfew." She laughed as she walked out of the bar. "Don't get caught, and don't be late."

The four teenagers watched her go. "Strange girl," Yumi said.

"Nice girl," Aelita added.

"She's strong." Ulrich said quietly.
The beginning of this chapter has been brought you by Lost Lantean! I should also mention that the end of Episode 5 was written by Lost Lantean as well.
© 2014 - 2024 LynaKiovote
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