
Seasons of War Episode 13- Demons

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Episode 13: Demons!

20th of Pluitanis

Michael had gone out and Patrick had gone to the magistrate outpost located to the north of the city, so Jeremie summoned the Heroes to his family's apartment to discuss further plans. "My father said that he has been gathering our army. He wants to wait until the spring thaw to retake Lyoko, though." Laura said. She crossed her legs. "Said something about improper equipment for trudging through snow. We'd lose more men to frostbite than to the drow."

Jeremie nodded. "That's probably for the best. It'd give us a month or so before we had to ship out, and in that time we can train and find better weapons and armor."

Yumi and Ulrich shared a look and then began to lay out plans and make suggestions seeing as they were the most experienced fighters. Odd paid attention for bit but as there was nothing particularly interesting he looked around the room, noticed the painting and spotted the same things Jeremie did. He also noted that Jeanne's finger pointed down at the fireplace. He pointed it out to the Wise Man, who admitted that he hadn't thought to pay attention to it. While the others spoke, Odd and Jeremie examined the fireplace.

But nothing appeared out of the ordinary. No buttons or switches were obvious. Jeremie kneeled and looked within the stones, and he spotted one with the letters 'A.H' carved into it. Taking care not to burn himself, he reached inside and pushed on the stone, and it created a chain reaction.

The fireplace shook, rattling the apartment. Angry shouts from the neighbors were drowned out by the cacophony of stones bumping up against each other. When it finally stopped moving, it revealed a passage through the wall, likely to the sewers. Inside of the walls were roots that seemed to pulsate with electricity. "That's dark elf magic. They act similarly to the Eluvians in the sense they're used to transport messages. They were developed since using mirrors in places without much light was inefficient for messages." Aelita identified. She ran her fingers across one, leaving behind red ripples. "I think they're faster as well."

Ulrich rubbed his temples. "Let me guess—we're going into the dark tunnel, aren't we?" Jeremie nodded, and he asked Laura to provide a light as they entered the tunnel. The Mercenary hid a smile when he heard Yumi mutter about how she wished they could investigate a flowery meadow or hillside.

The tunnel was long but obviously made for fast escapes. That did not mean it followed a straight course, rather it was twisted and descending and often times the Heroes would trip over their feet or on a stair that was far too steep. The farther they went, however, the dimmer Laura's light became despite their best efforts to keep it going. When it died, Yumi ordered them to hold hands while she used her night vision to lead them through the tunnels.

Eventually they came to a ladder, and the Colonist helped each teen climb it. When all of them had climbed to the top, they realized that they'd crossed the entire city and now stood on a bridge that connected Carthage to the Old City. The Old City was apparently where many dwarves lived before something wiped them out, though all that remained was an old building. It was strange—from the highest point in the city one could see a beautifully dilapidated city, but from here, it seemed as though it was a myth. Why had no one explored further? "Well, there's only one way to find out what this is." Jeremie said, smiling.

When they entered, they found no way of proceeding further without swinging on a set of ropes. Jeremie went first, followed by Odd, Laura and Aelita. Yumi caught the rope, and she looked back at Ulrich. "What, you aren't scared, are you?"

He recoiled. "N-no, of course not!" She smirked as she slid down the rope, and Ulrich caught it. His vision blurred as he looked down at the floor where his friends were, and he squeezed his eyes shut. He swung down, landing on the stone floor roughly.

Jeremie pointed to a lift typically used in dwarven mines. "Let's see where this goes." He announced as the teenagers looked. They piled inside of the lift, and Jeremie struggled to trigger the release. Yumi shooed him away from the release and pulled it herself, though it was too weak for her supernatural strength, and it snapped. The teens braced for impact, as they assumed that the lift would collapse and they would fall. However, it simply glided down the shaft until it reached a room lit by a blue-green aura.

All around were things that radiated magic, some beautiful works of art and some hideous monstrosities. In the center of it all was an Eluvian, steadfast and serene. Aelita and Ulrich coughed, writing it off as dust in the air. "What is all of this stuff? Why is it here?" Odd asked, picking up a bulwark designed to resemble a rose.

"I… don't know but I feel like this place oozes magic. How have the magistrates not located it?" Laura said.

Jeremie approached the Eluvian. He reached out to touch it, sliding his fingers against the glass. Odd cursed and dropped the bulwark, as thorns had grown on the handle. Jeremie squinted as something that wasn't the typical ripples darted across the glass. Laura gasped when she saw a dead body lying among the artifacts. "There's something… inside of the mirror." The Wise Man muttered.

"Jeremie, get away from that!" Aelita shouted, pulling on his shirt. He tore his eyes from the mirror to meet hers, but it was too late. Whatever was inside of the mirror lashed out, knocking him unconscious and spreading a miasma that made the Heroes fall into sleep. "Ulrich, get away from here! This mist is sending us to Bellanaris—you'll never survive a second trip!"

Ulrich shook his head. "I'm not leaving you all!" He shouted to keep himself awake. The Outcast grabbed hold of his blood and threw him across the room into the lift. When he started to stand, she froze over the entrance.

"Go get help! Tell them…" But she didn't have time to tell him what to say, because she and the other Heroes slipped into a deep, and for one restless, sleep.


Jeremie woke slowly, and his head felt heavy. Things around him seemed fuzzy, but somehow that seemed normal. He looked down to see his plans for an automaton based on dwarven engineering in front of him, designed basically to fetch things. A knock came to his bedroom door. "I… come in!" He said, his throat scratchy, like he'd slept all night with his mouth open.

Jeanne stood in the threshold, holding a plate with porridge and fresh juice. "Good morning, milord sunshine! I…" She paused, and laughed. Jeremie realized a piece of paper had stuck to his face. "Fell asleep at your desk again?"

"I… suppose. It's strange that I… can't quite remember what I was doing." He said as he began to eat the porridge.

His mother stroked his hair lovingly. "I'm sure you were simply lost in thought."


There was no one around. At first Odd was certain he'd killed them all, but as he ran through the depressing forest under the constant moon, he realized that simply no one was there. It was a wonderful feeling, not to be tied down by his fears of hurting someone he was close to. In time their faces faded and he was free. He remembered nothing but the exhilaration of the forest, the moon pulsing energy through his limbs. When he grew tired he slept, and when he was hungry he ate. Wolves could speak, and they all loved his jokes. They cackled like brethren in the moonlight, unbothered by the cares of the world. And Odd simply accepted it.


"Princess? Are you ready to begin preparations?" A servant asked, knocking politely on her door. Laura welcomed them in, and motioned for William to leave. He smiled as he did so, promising to return soon in proper attire. Laura enjoyed herself as the servants washed and brushed her hair, and struggled to remain calm as her formal attire—a long dark dress with rich blue fabric in the sleeves and for the belt - was fitted to her. Pearls were wrapped around her neck and braided into her hair before it was pulled up.

Soon enough William returned in his black ceremonial armor. "Come on, Princess. You don't want to be late your own party." He said, offering his hand.


Yumi stretched as she woke with the morning sun, and she realized something had reflected it into her eyes. A mirror leaned against her wardrobe. She rolled her eyes and hung it from a wall. Then she watched her reflection as she started to brush her hair and prepare for the day. Hiroki whipped open the door, mocking her with something juvenile she shouldn't have been daunted by. Nevertheless she angrily chased him, and he laughed as he fled. Eventually Yumi caught him, and she tickled him until he agreed to stop teasing her. A servant entered the room. "Come on, Master and Miss Ishiyama. Your breakfast is ready."


In her dream, she was being held by someone who loved her. He was brave and handsome and caring, and his touch was gentle. She loved him, and she wanted to show him, so she gave herself to him. They slept the night into the day.

But like all dreams, Maya's came to a close when she awoke. Lowel had grown no kinder as Maya had grown older and more beautiful. He'd moved them just outside of town so he could have a space to himself, or so he said. In truth he had created a space for him and Maya to spend what he called 'father-daughter' time together. Eleanor didn't know about this; she assumed that Lowel was working and Maya was in her bed chambers. Milly experienced none of his 'bonding', but Maya was happy that she could shield her sister from such cruelness.

She sat up, shaking. Lowel sat up, hearing her move. He told her gruffly to prepare breakfast. Gathering every bit of her courage, Maya spoke up. "You can't treat me like this anymore!"

He looked at her, anger and confusion written on his face. "What did you say?" He growled.

"I'm supposed to be your daughter, not your plaything!" She argued, fumbling for her breastcloth. "What if Eleanor finds out? What if… what if anyone finds out?! Please, I can't live like this anymore!"

Lowel struck her, and she hit her head on the wall. "Tell anyone about this and I swear I will personally see you hanged!" He hissed. "You and your kind stole my real daughter, so the least you could do is be grateful!"

Maya forced back tears. He ordered her to dress and leave before his wife came and found them together.


Ulrich had stumbled up to the main level, and he approached the ropes. After two failed attempts to climb them, he shouted angrily that he didn't have time to mess around. Determined, he set out to climb it again until a hand yanked him down. He struggled to reach his sword but someone threw it. The person dropped him, and the Mercenary turned to face his opponent. He looked straight into his father's eyes. "Dad? What are you doing here?" He demanded.

"I could ask you the same question, young man." His father said coldly. Two other men approached, and Ulrich realized he recognized them—Michael Belpois and Franz Hopper. They all wore the same outfit—thick red tunics, blue leggings, salmon-colored scarves and cloaks, and bunched up near their throats was blue fabric intended to cover their faces. They also wore blue fingerless gloves, though Franz was without the goggles that Aren and Michael wore. He did, however, wear a long white coat. "Let me guess—you took the passage here through the sewer." Aren looked to Michael. "I told you that we should've blocked up that damn hole after Hopper here took Jeanne's place."

"How was I to know that they would find it?" Michael asked. "Jeremie is smart but he's not exactly one to look at small details, and I thought it may come in handy in the future, which it has, or have you already forgotten?"

Aren scrunched up his nose. "No, I haven't."

"What is going on?" Ulrich asked. "What is this, some sort of club?"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is finding out why you've come here." Franz said. Ulrich explained the situation, and the men's eyes grew wider. "By the Creator! Your children have stumbled upon Mehormanda!" The elf shouted.

"Mehormanda…? Why does that sound familiar?" Ulrich wondered aloud.

Franz dismissed him. "Michael, go contact your nephew. I understand that two of those children are mages, yes? We may need him. Aren, secure the lift. Don't let any of the others into the Archives. I'm going after them in Bellanaris."

"But, Franz, what about… your condition?" Michael asked.

"I'll be fine! Go!"


Through meditation and channeling of his ill-gotten magic, Franz was able to transcend the Veil and allow his spirit to consciously enter the Beyond. He shielded himself in a pink-white light to protect himself from demons. One by one, he faced the demons of the teenagers trapped within the beyond after determining which one Mehormanda truly desired.

The first dreamer he came across was Jeremie. He smiled up at Jeanne, whom Franz was surprised to see. "You are Jeanne's son?" He asked.

Jeremie looked at the elf strangely. "I… who are you? Have we met?"

Jeanne hissed at Franz, her eyes turning orange. "I beg you, do not disturb him. He is in the middle of designing automations."

Franz folded his arms. "You are Jeremie, correct?" He asked. The boy nodded. "Think about what you're doing here, and why."

Jeremie rolled his eyes. "I do not know what this will accomplish, but if it gets you out of my hair sooner, I'll try it." He closed his eyes, and a look of confusion spread across his face. "That's strange. I'm having trouble concentrating."

"Perhaps coming with me will ease your mind." Franz said, offering his hand. Jeremie nodded, and he stood. Jeanne forced him down, and she hissed at Franz. He conjured a crossbow and fired a bolt at her, causing her to burst into dust.

"Mom!" Jeremie said, sifting his fingers through the dust. He wept.

Franz pulled him up rather gruffly. "That wasn't your mother, Jeremie. I knew her. She was a good woman, but Falon'din has taken her soul. She's been gone for years."

He nodded. "I remember her funeral. I… can't believe I was fooled by such a stupid trick. Let's keep this between us, okay?"

"We have more important things to do than worry about your pride." He quickly explained the situation. "Now follow me. We need to rescue the rest of your friends." He held out his hand, creating a rift in the dream. He motioned for Jeremie to walk ahead of him.

Like Jeremie, Odd and Laura were relatively easy to convince, and thus it was easy to pull them from their dreams. Yumi, on the other hand, was not so easily swayed. "Do you really expect me to believe that I'm in a dream? Let me tell you, if this were a dream, my little brother would be serving me breakfast in bed, not showering my face in it." She said as she brushed rice out of her raven black hair.

Laura huffed. "Don't you remember? Dhaune has your brother! He's a slave to the drow!"

"My lady, he's right over there." She pointed to him.

"That's just a fake!" Jeremie argued. "I thought my mother was in the dream as well, but that's all it is! A dream!

Yumi shook her head. "No, it's not. I'm not leaving with you."

Odd looked at the Wise Man. "I didn't know that vampires could even dream. Aren't they technically dead?"

She glared at Odd. "What did you call me?"

"A vampire. You… don't remember?" Odd asked.

She seemed angry, but then her angry faded to confusion. "I remember tasting blood, and always feeling a faint thirst… oh gods, am I a vampire?" Yumi looked at her reflection in the nearest mirror. "I look human, and I have a reflection… but now that I think about it, I feel… I feel…"

Hiroki grabbed her shirt. "Play with me, Yumi! I want to rescue you from an evil witch!" He shouted impatiently.

"Not now, Hiroki. Go away." She dismissed him. She looked at the others. "If I go with you, will I learn the truth?" Franz nodded, and she said, "Very well. Take me with you." Hiroki huffed, and rather than attacking, he melted into the ground. Yumi leaned against the wall, clutching her head, screaming in agony. Laura tried her best to ease the pain but discovered quickly that she couldn't. Yumi looked up with glowing orange eyes, sobbing.

The walls, floor ceiling all became mirrors, reflecting Jeremie, Franz, Odd and Laura at a thousand different angles. In none of the reflections was there an image of Yumi, and consequently, she looked like she floated. A high-pitched feminine voice called, "Very well, take my dreamers. I am still powerful. And you are all unhappy." There was laughter, and the teenagers hugged Yumi before helping her up.

She wept into her hand. "For a moment, everything was normal again." She whispered.


Once he had all four of the dreamers, Franz had the power he needed to open the way to the true danger—Aelita. "You are no longer in your own dream. If you die, you will wake up and you will be fine, so fear not death. But know that should Aelita fall to this demon, she must die or all of Mediterra is doomed."

Jeremie tried to protest, but Franz accepted no argument. He led them into the dreamed Falcon's Bridge, and he pointed to a gathering of people. A girl who resembled Aelita stood in the crowd, though she wasn't a perfect copy. She was rounder, and long pink braids peaked out from under her cap. She also did not appear to have her vallaslin, and around her wrists were shackles made by magistrates to stop the flow of magic. She had free arm movement, but she couldn't access her magic.

The teenagers entered the city, though they noticed many of the residents eyeing them strangely. "They're just projections. Ignore them." Franz advised. They approached the elf girl, and Franz caught her shoulder. "Aelita. Your name is Aelita, yes?" He asked. The girl shook her head, and corrected him. "Maya, then. May I speak with you?"

"I wish I could stay and chat, but I really must pick up things for dinner." She said. She turned to walk away, but Franz caught her again. Maya jerked away, as if she disliked being touched. "I'd ask that you not touch me."

"This is too important to delay. Maya, listen to me. You are in terrible danger. Mehormanda is after you." Franz warned.

"…Mehormanda? I'm afraid I don't know who that is." She said.

"Mehormanda is a powerful and malevolent spirit. She seeks to break you and terrorize the physical world."

Maya dropped the basket she held, and she took a few steps back. "No! I've done everything right! I did everything he told me to do! Demons can't find me!"

"What have you done? What makes you think that they can't find you?"

"I don't use magic, I don't sing, I don't dance, I do everything I'm told… even when I think that I shouldn't." She muttered the last part. "Even when it feels wrong or when it hurts. But… he isn't lying, is he? My father."

"If he told you that not using magic or avoiding joy will keep you from the spirits that haunt this realm, then yes, he lied to you. No mage is safe from spirits." He paused. "What… else has he done?"

"No! You can't ask those sorts of things! He'll kill me!" Maya panicked. "No, go away! You… you're a liar!" She ran away, and Franz ordered Odd to destroy the shackles on her arms. Taking aim, the Scout fired arrows at the metal. Spirit arrows striking metal dissolved it, and they soon realized why she wore them.

The stone road twisted under her feet, becoming sharp rocks. She turned and sprinted out of town, every step she took leaving behind a bit of snow or a patch of spring grass. Jeremie rushed after her. "We have to catch her—hurry!" He shouted. As they ran, Franz asked why Aelita was trying so hard to be human. Yumi briefly explained her backstory, how she was a changeling in an abusive household. Franz mentioned how strange she'd been acting, and speculated that the abuse was more than just the mental effects that Yumi discussed. "It's either that or the demon combined her fears she experienced at Arak-Muna and the Gypsy to create a less stable environment that would be easy to create weakness in." Jeremie theorized.

"Mehormanda could create such fears or desires if she wished to," the elf agreed, "but it is far easier to nurse those that already exist."

"Wait a minute. Who in Tartarus are you, anyway?" Laura asked Franz, stopping dead in her tracks. The others stopped as well, much to Jeremie's dismay. "I appreciate everything you've done for us so far. I do. But… we've only met once before, and I can't imagine that this is quite your line of work. Who are you?"

"Now is not the time. If we dillydally here then it is more likely that Aelita will fall." Franz said.

"No! I won't go any farther with you until I know who you are! I won't be fooled by your helpful demeanor! What if you're really a demon, leading us to our doom? How would we know?"

"You know you are no longer in your dream, yes? You can feel that, can't you?" Franz asked. Laura nodded. "Then know that should you die here, you will reawaken in your body unharmed. If you do not trust me further, then I will kill you so you don't have to continue." Laura thought for a moment, and then nodded. "Very well. Hold still."

Franz created a crossbow in his mind, and he took aim. His bolt struck Laura's heart.


Laura sat up, holding her heart. She sighed, glad to back in her own body.


Jeremie had left the others behind, fearing for his love. His apparition quickly got used to being in the Beyond and he moved through her dream quickly. He came across a clearing, and a few meters away stood Aelita, shivering. She seemed anxious, not cold, though it looked like she'd been stuck in the woods for years. Her clothes were torn and her shoes were gone, holes now ripped in her stockings. Nervously, she pulled her cap off, and she yelped when thorny vines grew on it. "Aelita! Thank the gods that I found you!" Jeremie called out, causing the girl to turn. She'd pulled her hands in, her palms facing her chest, as if she were afraid she would break something.

"Stay back! I don't want to…" Her voice trailed off. "…Jeremie?"

He sighed happily. "You remember me?"

"Sort of," She said, confusion obvious in her tone. "I… remember you from my dreams. Father said that… that they're not real and that they're a fool's escape."

"It seems to me that your father has been saying a lot of things lately that aren't true." Jeremie said. "Maybe I can help set your mind at ease. Tell me about your dreams." And she did, though she babbled nervously and her face turned bright red. "Aelita, listen to me. Those aren't dreams. What you're describing is reality. This is the Beyond. This is a dream."

"No no no! Dreams are supposed to be happy; they're supposed to be a release from reality!" She argued. "I know that this is life because I am living a nightmare!" He tried to persuade her otherwise, looking over his shoulder as the remaining three dreamers ran up. "My mind is cruel to me, dreaming images that aren't here."

A voice resonated through the air. "They're deceiving you. They wish to lure you into the Beyond to destroy your soul. You'll just be a husk, a living breathing body without a soul to occupy it." A woman materialized a few meters in the air, landing harshly on the ground. She was curvy, her long black hair hanging delicately around her shoulders. Her eyes were all black, the irises glowing pale purple. Her back, arms and legs were covered in tough blue scales, and darkness hung around her body like a toga. "You have power enough to rule this world, and yet they seek to rule you? Absurd!" She said, sashaying closer, her voice high-pitched and feminine.

"Mehormanda! Get away from her!" Franz ordered.

She cowered. "Oh, but how could I disobey when you say that in such a demanding and authoritative tone?" To just him via telepathy, she teased, "You breathe because of me. Do not interfere."

He conjured a sword. "I breathe because I fight and I fight because I must!" He shouted.

Mehormanda cowered behind Aelita, who sympathetically reached out for her. Jeremie grabbed her arms, fearful that simple contact would result in possession. She struggled against him, and he begged her to remain calm and to try to wake up. Aelita tore her hands away, but in doing so, she realized a bit of her magic.

It materialized when it hit the earth as sharp icicles, and Jeremie found himself unable to move. He looked down to find that the ice had pierced his chest, and though he couldn't see or feel it, he assumed it showed through his back as well. Aelita panicked. "Jeremie! I'm so sorry! I—I didn't mean for this to happen!"

He couldn't speak, and he felt his body disappear.


He sat up with a start, and after holding his chest where he'd been impaled, he rubbed his forehead. Laura crawled over to him, and asked how he felt. "I've been better." He shook his head, and he motioned for them to move out of the way.


Maya saw the fear in the eyes of Yumi and Odd, and she ran away. Mehormanda reached out to grab her, but she forced herself to keep running. Mehormanda stood. "You. You stole my dreamer." She hissed.

Franz prepared to strike. "She's not awake yet. But you will not have her."

Mehormanda laughed, floating around the world she'd created. "But I will. And today is the day that I escape this prison. I will be free!"

"You will not! Not while I breathe!" He shouted, throwing his conjured sword. Mehormanda vanished, and the trees came to life. They roared and swung their branches. Yumi used her supernatural strength to stop the one that tried to strike her. Odd was not so lucky, dodging the first only to be woken by the second.


Odd's eyes widened, and he coughed. He cursed as he sat up. Jeremie motioned for him to move away from the mirror.


Franz snatched up Yumi, dashing away from the living trees. She squirmed out of his grasp, and when she hit the ground, she scrambled up and continued to run. "Why did Mehormanda target Aelita? Wouldn't Laura have more influence?" Yumi asked.

"If Aelita truly is a changeling, then I imagine she was born in Halamshiral. If this theory is correct then she was exposed to Mehormanda's essence, and Aelita is weaker to her and her brother."

"How do you know so much about these Archdemons?"

"It is my fault that they have influence on this realm. I will not let anyone else perish at their hands."

"What do you mean? Who died?"

"My wife, and my child. I was too wrapped up in my work to realize that I had put them in danger. I don't know why I survived, but it is my curse to bear."

Yumi stopped running. She connected the pieces in her mind. "Oh gods, you're Waldo Sarethari." She whispered. "You're Waldo Sarethari!" She shouted.

Franz spun around to face her. "How do you know that name?!" He demanded.

"You have to listen to me. Your wife—" She began, though she didn't have a chance to finish. A wooden sword was plunged through her gut, and she cursed as she vanished.


Yumi woke in a ball, her stomach pulsating in pain as the memory of the sword was fresh in her mind. She managed to lift her fist and bring it down angrily on the ground.


Franz froze the tree guardian that had woken Yumi, and he cursed that he would have to wait to hear what she had to say. He turned and ran through the twisted path marked by stacked stones until he came to a lake. A large stump stood in the center, and he created two smaller stumps so he could climb up.

He found Aelita curled up in a ball, sobbing. "Why are you crying?" He asked.

"I killed him! I can't control my curse!" She said. She scurried away from the older elf, fear in her eyes. "No, stay back! I don't want to hurt you too!"

Franz folded his arms. "You can control it. You must or it will control you."

"I can't!" She sobbed, pushing her hands so close to her chest that they caused pain.

"I know you can! Look at me!" He ordered. She looked up at him, and he created a projection in his hands. It showed Aelita, not as she was in the dream but in reality. She stood shakily, and she rubbed the projection. "You can control yourself. I know that you can. What do you see in this projection? What do you remember?"

"I… I can control it…" Was all she could say. She looked down at her trembling hands. She turned her back to Franz, and she waved with her hands. She created an ice sculpture that resembled the older elf, and she laughed, as if it was the most amazing thing she'd ever seen. She created six more, five he recognized as her friends in reality and the last resembling a dark elf man that he assumed she knew. "I can control it!"

"Now listen to me. You must wake up." Franz said.

Aelita smiled at him. She looked away, pulling her cap from her head. "I feel… so alive, as if I've woken from a long sleep." She pulled the bands out of her braids, letting her hair flow free. He noted that she had a lot of hair—it reached almost to her hips—and then she asked, "This… is a dream, yes?" When he nodded, she said, "Then… I can finally be free." She summoned her magic, twisting the Beyond to change her clothes. She now wore a loose magenta vest and matching miniskirt, bandages wrapped up her legs.

Franz smiled. "Do you remember your past now?"

"…Sort of. It's still blurry, but I remember… parts of it." She said. She walked forward, climbing down via the stumps he'd created. Then, the Outcast held out her hand. "I can do this."

Her body glimmered, and when she walked again, Aelita vanished into thin air. Mehormanda materialized behind the elder elf, and he conjured a sword. "You. Why did you interfere?" She demanded.

He smirked. "You destroyed many lives. You will destroy no more."

Mehormanda shrugged, and she used her magic to show the elf an image. A corpse lay at the feet of the Eluvian that trapped Mehormanda. It pushed against it, shattering the glass. "My brother has freed me. This will not be the last time we meet." She said. He lunged at her, but she laughed and vanished, her smile remaining for a few moments.

Franz pushed himself up off the stump. "Elgar'nan!" He cursed. Darciflamius must've already escaped from his mirror and searched Mediterra for his sister. Now that they were together, it was his duty to track them down and destroy them. He created an image of his wife in his hand, mourning her again before plunging his conjured sword into his gut.
Sorry this is so late!
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